coffee #커피 #water #물 #스페셜티 #specialty(11)
Aw Over Time
We can also look at how water activity itself behaves over time. Here we see that there is a tendency for coffees to condense between around 0.525 and 0.5, given enough time. This specific range is likely a function of our warehouse conditions more than anything intrinsic to coffee in general. Averages over large sample sets can be deceiving. Given the above chart, we might conclude that only co..
2023.03.21 -
Origins The basic observed relationship between score and Aw is slightly negative, as is that between score change and Aw. Neither is strong. Whilewe do observe lower volatilit with lower Aw coffees, it is important to get a larger look at the data that yields those averages. We can do this with scatterplots. Here we see plots of all scores against Aw, all score changes against Aw,pre-shipment s..
2023.03.20 -
All Lots
We can take a step back to look at water activity and overall shelf life from a wider perspective. We use a few labeling systems in our longitudinal data set. One of those is for the round in which a coffee is cupped, and another serves to categorize the PSS water activity level. Round is always the PSS, round 2 is the ARR, and rounds 3 and 4 are subsequent SPOT cuppings, spaced by about three m..
2023.03.19 -
PSS to Arrival
Looking at just the score change from PSS to ARR, coffees beginning above 0.610 drop an average of 1.53 points with a standard deviation of change (a of △) of 2.26 compared to 0.96 and 1.89 for those beginning below 0.5. Around 68 percent of coffees beginning above 0.610 Aw arrived between +.73 and -3., while those beginning below 0.550 arrived between +.93 and -2.85 points off their PSSs. We ob..
2023.03.18 -
Aw in Specialty Green Coffee Longitudinal Shelf Stability Study
Finally, we come to the real question that we set out to answer way back when we started measuring water activity. Does Aw reasonably predict shelf life (storage and shipment stability)? This question itself is poorly framed. We mean to ask: Does Aw measured remotely on a sample pulled from a larger lot of specialty green coffee reasonably predict the post-shipment arrival and storage holding ch..
2023.03.17 -
Aw and Lipid Oxidation in Specialty Green Coffee
Lipid oxidation is important in green coffee because the oxidation of lipids can produce off flavors. A common compound in this category is called Trans-2-nonenal (T2N). T2N is produced by the autoxidation of linoleic acid, the "most important acid in the lipids in coffee" (Flament1. Trans-2-nonenalis a very potent odorant that is described as smelling like paper, wet cardboard, cedar, or wood. ..